Abau Curriculum

Abau School Books

There are approximately 25 villages where the Abau language is spoken. Many of these villages have their own Elementary School.
The Abau Project has developed a series of schoolbooks that can be used in Elementary Prep, Elementary One and Elementary Two.

The basic set-up of the curriculum is as follows: i
In Elementary Prep only Abau is used.
A transition is made to the English language in Elementary One and especially in Elementary Two.
These books can also be used in non-formal education set-up (e.g. TPPS) if a village is without an Elementary school.

The overview below shows the covers of the various schoolbooks that are available.
Headings show in what year of the Elementary School the books on display need to be used.
A number of Teacher Guides are available.

These books can be borrowed from the Abau Training Centre in Yabru village with the help of a 'borrowing fee'.
The Abau Training Centre accepts valid and non-expired checks from the Education department of the Sandaun Provincial Government.
For questions on curriculum contents, write to Linguist and Education Specialist, Arjen Lock. Email: Arjen_lock@sil.org.

Below are Abau schoolbooks
First overview - books used in Elementary Prep or in year one of a TPPS school:


The following Abau (with English) books are used in Elementary 1 and 2 or in the second year of a TPPS school.


Organizing books


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